Quaking Aspen Single This tree is an ‘Idaho Preferred’ Plant.
Quaking Aspen
Quaking Aspen has a pyramidal shape when young, rounded when mature, heart- shaped leaves that turn yellow in the fall. This rapid-growing tree is frequently planted along streets for windbreaks and screens. Fast growth rate. It is native to our area.
Quaking Aspen will tolerate wet soils and it is also a Firewise plant. Use Prune Smart on any suckers. Grows best in full sun to lite shade.
#1 $13.99
#2 $29.99
#5 $59.99
#10 $149.99
#15 $169.99
#20 $229.99
2" $329.99 Ball and Burlap
Quaking Aspen will tolerate wet soils and it is also a Firewise plant. Use Prune Smart on any suckers. Grows best in full sun to lite shade.
#1 $13.99
#2 $29.99
#5 $59.99
#10 $149.99
#15 $169.99
#20 $229.99
2" $329.99 Ball and Burlap
Aspens in the Fall
Quaking Aspen Fall Color
Beautiful Fall Color graces our valley.
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