Cat's Pajamas Cat Mint This perennial is a Proven Winner’s Plant
Cat's Pajamas Catmint is a perennial that has fragrant leaves and indigo purple flowers on long stems which bloom late spring through the summer until fall. The minty fresh fragrant leaves are a medium green. It will grow to a height of 12" to 14" tall and up to 18" to 20" wide. Shear it back when the flowers slow and it will produce another flush of flowers. Cat's Pajamas Catmint likes to be planted in full sun or partial sun.
Use this plant as a backdrop in a perennial garden or in a container. Cat's Pajamas Catmint attracts butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Cats are also attracted to the smell of this plant. It is drought tolerant once it is established and it is also a Firewise plant. Cat's Pajamas Catmint was also named 2021 Perennial Plant of the Year. It is very easy to grow. Cat's Pajamas Catmint is a Proven Winners Plant. Quart 11.99 #1 $18.99 |
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