Chocolate Chip Ajuga This perennial is a ‘Proven Winners’ plant.
Ajuga is also known as Bugleweed. Chocolate Chip Ajuga grows best as an evergreen groundcover in shady areas. It has almost dark green to burgundy-maroon almost black leaves with spikes of short, deep purple flowers that will appear in late spring and bloom till early summer. It will grow 4" to 6" tall and up to 12" wide.
It will grow fast forming a thick mat. It will attract bees and butterflies when in bloom. Chocolate Chip Ajuga works great as a ground cover, in containers, Woodland Gardens, and Rock Gardens. You can even use this plant in Topiary. Chocolate Chip Ajuga is also a Firewise Plant and is Deer Resistant. Chocolate Chip Ajuga is a Proven Winners Plant. 4" $4.99 |
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