Hummingbird & Butterfly Plants
Attracting Hummingbirds and Butterflies to you yard will give you enjoyment all season long. Set up Hummingbird Feeders to attract these whimsical visitors. In addition to feeders, Hummingbirds and Butterflies will visit your yard by planting the following varieties of plants. Not only will you get colorful display of flowers, but you will be providing food for these welcome visitors giving you.
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HB = Butterfly H = Hummingbird
Alyssum - B
Bidens - B/H
Calibrachoa - H
Cosmos - B/H
Dahlia - B/H
Dianthus - B/H
Fuchsia - H
Geranium - B
Gerbera - B
Lobelia - B/H
Lobularia - B
Marigold - B
Monkey Flower - B
Poppy - B
Portulaca - B
Rudbeckia - B
Salvia - B
Snapdragon - B/H
Supertunia - B/H
Thunbergia - B
Verbena - B
Zinnia - B
Alyssum - B
Aster - B
Artemesia - B
Astilbe - H
Bee Balm - B/H
Bellflower - B/H
Bleeding Heart - B
Candytuft - B
Catmint - B/H
Columbine - B/H
Coreopsis - B
Daylily - B
Delphinium, dark color - H
Dianthus - B
Echinacea - B
Flax - B
Forget-me-not - B
Foxglove - B/H
Gaillardia - B/H
Gaura - B/H
Gayfeather - B/H
Geum - B
Goldenrod - B
Helen’s Flower - B
Hen and Chicks - B
Heuchera - B/H
Hollyhock - B/H
Hosta - B
Ice Plant - B
Lavender - B
Ligularia - B/H
Lupine - H
Maltese Cross - B/H
Mexican Hat - B/H
Milkweed - B/H
Penstemon - B/H
Peony - B/H
Phlox - B/H
Pincushion Flower - B
Poppy - B
Primrose - B
Rudbeckia - B
Sage - B/H
Salvia - B/H
Shasta Daisy - B
Speedwell - B/H
Spiderwort - B
Sunflower, False - B/H
Sunrose - B
Yarrow - B
Ajuga - B/H
Blue Star Creeper - B
Creeping Jenny - B
Oregon Grape - B/H
Sedum - B
Speedwell - B/H
Thyme - B
Catnip - B
Parsley - B
Rosemary - B/H
Sage - H
Thyme - B
Clematis - B/H
Honeysuckle - H
Hops - B
Hydrangea, Climbing - B
Trumpet Vine - B/H
Honeysuckle - H
Button Bush - B/H
Cherry, Nanking - B
Currant - H
Dogwood, Isanti - B
Elderberry - B
Hibiscus - B
Lilac - B/H
Mockorange - B/H
Ninebark - B/H
Plum, Flowering - B/H
Potentilla - B
Privet - B
Roses - B
Serviceberry - B
Snowberry - B/H
Spirea - B
Western Sand Cherry - B
Willow, Flame - B
Alder - B
Ash, Mountain - B
Crabapple - H
Dogwood, Pagoda - B
Currant - H
Raspberry - B
Alyssum - B
Bidens - B/H
Calibrachoa - H
Cosmos - B/H
Dahlia - B/H
Dianthus - B/H
Fuchsia - H
Geranium - B
Gerbera - B
Lobelia - B/H
Lobularia - B
Marigold - B
Monkey Flower - B
Poppy - B
Portulaca - B
Rudbeckia - B
Salvia - B
Snapdragon - B/H
Supertunia - B/H
Thunbergia - B
Verbena - B
Zinnia - B
Alyssum - B
Aster - B
Artemesia - B
Astilbe - H
Bee Balm - B/H
Bellflower - B/H
Bleeding Heart - B
Candytuft - B
Catmint - B/H
Columbine - B/H
Coreopsis - B
Daylily - B
Delphinium, dark color - H
Dianthus - B
Echinacea - B
Flax - B
Forget-me-not - B
Foxglove - B/H
Gaillardia - B/H
Gaura - B/H
Gayfeather - B/H
Geum - B
Goldenrod - B
Helen’s Flower - B
Hen and Chicks - B
Heuchera - B/H
Hollyhock - B/H
Hosta - B
Ice Plant - B
Lavender - B
Ligularia - B/H
Lupine - H
Maltese Cross - B/H
Mexican Hat - B/H
Milkweed - B/H
Penstemon - B/H
Peony - B/H
Phlox - B/H
Pincushion Flower - B
Poppy - B
Primrose - B
Rudbeckia - B
Sage - B/H
Salvia - B/H
Shasta Daisy - B
Speedwell - B/H
Spiderwort - B
Sunflower, False - B/H
Sunrose - B
Yarrow - B
Ajuga - B/H
Blue Star Creeper - B
Creeping Jenny - B
Oregon Grape - B/H
Sedum - B
Speedwell - B/H
Thyme - B
Catnip - B
Parsley - B
Rosemary - B/H
Sage - H
Thyme - B
Clematis - B/H
Honeysuckle - H
Hops - B
Hydrangea, Climbing - B
Trumpet Vine - B/H
Honeysuckle - H
Button Bush - B/H
Cherry, Nanking - B
Currant - H
Dogwood, Isanti - B
Elderberry - B
Hibiscus - B
Lilac - B/H
Mockorange - B/H
Ninebark - B/H
Plum, Flowering - B/H
Potentilla - B
Privet - B
Roses - B
Serviceberry - B
Snowberry - B/H
Spirea - B
Western Sand Cherry - B
Willow, Flame - B
Alder - B
Ash, Mountain - B
Crabapple - H
Dogwood, Pagoda - B
Currant - H
Raspberry - B