Gold Flame Honeysuckle
Gold Flame Honeysuckle is a vining honeysuckle that is very winter hardy and easy to grow. It has loads of fragrant reddish pink, tubular flowers from late spring to fall. Hummingbirds and butterflies are always visiting this plant in our gardens. They also have a lasting fragrance that brings back childhood memories for many lovers of this plant. It will grow to a height of 10' to 15' and just as wide.
Gold Flame Honeysuckle will do best in at least a half day of full sun. Be sure to give it a support to climb on right away or soon after it's planted. It is easy to grow in fertile, well-drained soil. Birds will nest in the twining branches as the plant thickens in growth.
Gold Flame Honeysuckle is resistant to deer and drought tolerant once it is established. You can grow this in a container while the plant is small, but be sure to transplant as the plant matures to give it some growing room. This vine will work well as a screening plant and is also considered a Firewise plant. Plant Gold Flame Honeysuckle in a Cottage Garden for that old-time look.
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Gold Flame Honeysuckle will do best in at least a half day of full sun. Be sure to give it a support to climb on right away or soon after it's planted. It is easy to grow in fertile, well-drained soil. Birds will nest in the twining branches as the plant thickens in growth.
Gold Flame Honeysuckle is resistant to deer and drought tolerant once it is established. You can grow this in a container while the plant is small, but be sure to transplant as the plant matures to give it some growing room. This vine will work well as a screening plant and is also considered a Firewise plant. Plant Gold Flame Honeysuckle in a Cottage Garden for that old-time look.
#1 $19.99
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