Cilantro is also known as Coriander. Cilantro should be planted outside after all danger of frost is passed as this is an annual plant. It will grow from 2' to 3' tall and 12" wide. It will produce white flowers that are attractive to bees in mid to late summer. Seed heads will then produce small, round brown seeds, which is known as Coriander seed. Once the seeds mature, harvest the seed and pull up the plant. Plant Slow Bolt Cilantro in full sun and well-drained soil.
Cilantro is great for spicing up Mexican dishes and is widely known for an important ingredient in making salsa. To keep your Slow Bolt Cilantro from bolting too early, keep the roots cool by adding a good layer of mulch. The foliage is highly aromatic and keeps the deer away from this plant. You can plant Cilantro in a Cottage Garden or even a container. This herb is organically grown. 4" $4.99 |
Slow Bolt Cilantro

Seed Packet $2.79
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