Double Pink Peony
Double Pink Peony is a larger growing Peony. They are a style with double pink blooms, with showy puffs of center petals. The double blooms are a real treat with fuller blossoms. The blossoms are supported by strong stems. It will grow from 18" to 24" tall and 2' to 3' wide.
Double Pink Peony will bloom from late spring to early summer. This peony has a mild fragrance. Plant Double Pink Peony in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. When in flower, it will attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and bees. It makes a great cut flower for an indoor table vase. For an interesting display of the flowers, cut one about an inch from the bloom and float it in a bowl of water. Peonies are also deer resistant. Plant Double Pink Peony in a Cottage Garden, as a specimen, or in a perennial border. Mulch heavily in the fall to protect the roots. #1 $18.99 |
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