Cynthia Johnson Lavender
Cynthia Johnson Lavender is fragrant, robust lavender that grows to a height of 20" to 24" and an equal width. Lavender is very fragrant. It has bluish-green foliage and has purple blooms during throughout summer. It likes to be planted in full sun and well drained soil. Because of its fragrance, deer stay away from it. Plant lavender around beds and in pots to deter deer.
Use Cynthia Johnson Lavender as a small hedge or border, massed in a perennial bed. It will do well in containers and makes a great cut flower. You can use it is potpourris and satchels to freshen clothing, etc. Cynthia Johnson Lavender will attract butterflies and is drought tolerant once it is established. Plant Cynthia Johnson Lavender in a Cottage Garden for that old time effect, or a Rock Garden for a fresh scent. 4" $5.99 |
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