Fall Gold Raspberry

Fall Gold Raspberries are excellent fresh off of the plant or can used in canning or preserves. They can also be frozen. Raspberries are rich source of not only antioxidants, but also vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber.
This Raspberry is an upright, thorny shrub growing to about 4 feet high and up to 4' width. It is an ever-bearing raspberry due to producing two crops on each biennial cane.
Fall Gold Raspberry attracts birds and wildlife. It also makes great jam.
#1 $14.99
This Raspberry is an upright, thorny shrub growing to about 4 feet high and up to 4' width. It is an ever-bearing raspberry due to producing two crops on each biennial cane.
Fall Gold Raspberry attracts birds and wildlife. It also makes great jam.
#1 $14.99
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